Ciri-ciri budaya di era globalisasi dan peran keluarga dalam proses menjaga jati diri anak-anak negeriku Indonesia. SAT⭕E.INDONESIAKU! – Karena realita kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia saat ini mulai tercabut dari akar budayanya dan lebih mengarah pada suatu sistem budaya yaitu dunia teknologi Sistem Cloud IT “La huna wala hunaka” (hidup di udara) . Oleh karena itu FID.Ind⭕nesiaku! terkait dengan kegiatan dalam aspek pengembangan Pemahaman Kebangsaan | Jaringan | Nutrisi (Asupan). Hal ini penting di era TEKN⭕L⭕GI saat ini. Tema ini penting untuk dimasukkan dalam tema FR US! UMKMsharing!

 It is a medium for conveying information about Surau, Mosques in the archipelago, making the motivation to prosper the Mosque not only to boast about the physical building of the Mosque, the most important thing is the prosperity of its congregation.

 It is a medium for conveying information about Surau, Mosques in the archipelago, making the motivation to prosper the Mosque not only to boast about the physical building of the Mosque, the most important thing is the prosperity of its congregation.

 It is a medium for conveying information about Surau, Mosques in the archipelago, making the motivation to prosper the Mosque not only to boast about the physical building of the Mosque.

 It is a medium for conveying information about Surau, Mosques in the archipelago, making the motivation to prosper the Mosque not only to boast about the physical building of the Mosque, the most important thing is the prosperity of its congregation.

 It is a medium for conveying information about Surau, Mosques in the archipelago, making the motivation to prosper the Mosque not only to boast about the physical building of the Mosque.

 It is a medium for conveying information about Surau, Mosques in the archipelago, making the motivation to prosper the Mosque not only to boast about the physical building of the Mosque, the most important thing is the prosperity of its congregation.

 It is a medium for conveying information about Surau, Mosques in the archipelago, making the motivation to prosper the Mosque not only to boast about the physical building of the Mosque.

Cultural characteristics in the era of globalization and the role of the family in the process of maintaining the identity of the children of my country, Indonesiaku!. SAT⭕E.Indonesiaku! – Because the reality of life in Indonesian society is currently starting to be uprooted from its cultural roots and is more directed towards a cultural system, namely the technological world of the IT Cloud System “La huna wala hunaka” (Living in the AIR). Hence FID.Ind⭕nesiaku! related to activities in the aspect of developing National Understanding | Network | Nutrition (Intake). This is important in the current TEKN⭕L⭕GI era. This theme is important to include in the SAT⭕E.Indonesiaku! theme!



Hence FID.Ind⭕nesiaku! related to activities in the aspect of developing National Understanding | Network | Nutrition (Intake). This is important in the current TEKN⭕L⭕GI era. This theme is important to include in the SAT⭕E.Indonesiaku! theme!