FID! Ind⭕nesiaku! | SAT⭕E.Ind⭕nesiaku!

Festival IKONID Desa Indonesiaku! is part of the Integrity Fundamentals of every DESAIN (DESA Indonesiaku! Networking), so that 80 thousand villages in Indonesia which currently have an autonomous ( Otonomnet ) model in managing natural resources & human resources have an Innovation Forum in determining their respective destinations through FID! Ind⭕nesiaku! | SAT⭕E.Ind⭕nesiaku!

Expeditor Transformer!

We’re working together through to get here for Transformer Expeditor by the Literacy for our fellows.

Because in the global era, being fit is a virtue in gaining meaning & energy. So that we are able to bring synergy to my greater country Indonesiaku! . .
Growing 2get HERE : | FID! Ind⭕nesiaku! | SAT⭕E.Ind⭕nesiaku!

  • DESAIN | DESA Indonesiaku Networking as the integrity of Seismic Data DESA Indonesiaku to present the Character of every DESA in Indonesiaku. Through the UMKM #youngAPIK Program! featured in Program and Media Of Print activities @lesehanME | @kaosK⭕EAS towards SEHAT.Indonesiaku!

  • As Seismic Data Integrity for DESA..Ind⭕nesiaku!.Village to display the Character of each DESA.Ind⭕nesiaku! Through UMKM sharing
  • Meaning full & Meaning fuel (Energy) in the sense of passion for work) for Ind⭕nesiaku!.UMKM Not just ordinary UMKM… they are actually Zilau’s UMKM

FID.In⭕onesiaku | Understand the Essence of K⭕EAS as Original Character & ART Education Through Art at the FESTIVAL IK⭕N DESA!! activity!

  • Each village has an icon, a character that becomes the identity of that village, in the form of creative work, handicraft products, etc. and also culinary products that are the forerunners of UMKM from that village.

  • AzZa! ( Art through Zilau by Zilau Art ) ▪️ | Art Through Zilau (Ind⭕nesiaku! Literacy Art Zone about UMKM) by Zilau Art).

ZILAU! | Zone Integrator via LesehanMOE by ART with Urbanlife | Growing 2gethere with YOI! ( Young & Older Integrity! ) is the main part of our Vision and Mission to present Forum and Information including Data ( FID ! ) which is the main goal in building a Seismic Data Bank.

What do you think what is different things ?
Coz we want to build a different community | 2get HERE ZILAU AZZA! through F⭕R US

Understand the Essence of K⭕EAS as Original Character & ART Education Through Art

FID! Ind⭕nesiaku! | SAT⭕E.Ind⭕nesiaku!

Understand the Essence of K⭕EAS as Original Character & ART Education Through Art

  • As Seismic Data Integrity for DESA..Ind⭕nesiaku!.Village to display the Character of each DESA.Ind⭕nesiaku! Through UMKM sharing

Sat⭕e.Indonesiaku adalah halaman khusus Seputar ART dalam hal TEKN⭕L⭕GI #young⭕rijinal melalui pemahaman arti Emphaty Education. Dengan mengutamakan pemahaman dalam hal #tiga4E ( 3 Tiga ) E yang memiliki 4 Sinerji dalam membangun INDONESIAKU.

Titik Desa Indonesiaku yang tersebar di 80ribuan Kampoeng Indonesiaku ) Karenanya Lembar SAT⭕E indonesiaku adalah implementasi media on line & off print dari LESEHANM⭕E ( Lembar Edukasi Seputar Enerji HIJAU Anak Negeri) yang dapat juga dikemas melalui Media Off Print ataupun DIAL⭕GUE dalam performa kekinian sesuai dengan KARAKTER DESA masing-masing ( FID.Indonesiaku ) yang dapat dikelola secara mandiri oleh / dimulai dari rumah sebagai @oleholeh⭕mahQUEazza

What do you think what is different things ?
Coz we want to build a different community | 2get HERE ZILAU AZZA! through F⭕R US